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Cloud Kingdom is a collectathon platformer I developed in 1 week for the CGMA level design course. The core mechanics are: jumping, flying, and sprinting. I focused the gameplay to challenge the player on their mastery of the core mechanics and their spatial awareness.

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Core mechanic tutorials

Cloud Kingdom Jump Gif.gif

I used the game design rule of three to teach the player the core mechanics. If the player performs the same action in repetition, I can ensure that the player understood and will remember the gameplay concept being introduced. With jumping, it also helps the player get a feel for the way the character controls.

I used the incentive of a shiny collectible to help teach the player how to sprint. The player finds a pressure plate and door with matching hourglass symbols. A stone path spanning between the door and plate helps the player conclude that the two are linked.


Stepping on the plate opens the door, revealing the collectible. If the player walks to the door, it will shut too quickly. The nearby sign explains the sprint input. The player is encouraged sprint to reach the star in time.

Cloud Kingdom Sprint Gif.gif

Difficulty Progression

Throughout the game, the various challenges would be iterated upon. Each iteration introduces increasingly difficult elements to test the player's mastery over the core mechanics.

Cloud Kingdom Jump Challenge 1 Gif.gif
Cloud Kingdom Jump Challenge 2 Gif.gif
Cloud Kingdom Jump Challenge 3 Gif.gif

The player's skill at jumping is challenged through three types of platforms.

  • The vanishing cloud is the first type introduced to the player and prevents the player from resting on their laurels.

  • The bouncy jellyfish is the second type and alters the jump trajectory, which tests the player's adaptability.

  • The final type is the storm cloud, alternating between a safe and dangerous state on a timer. This requires the player to carefully time their jumps. The storm cloud flashes blue lightning to telegraph that the storm is about to become active, which is signified by the yellow lightning.

Cloud Kingdom Sprint Challenge 1 Gif.gif

The second sprint challenge is across a lake that prevents the player from sprinting. This time, they must combine all three core mechanics: jumping, gliding, and sprinting.

The third sprint challenge requires the player to sprint off a cliff and navigate bouncy platforms and storm clouds, raising the stakes since the player can fall into the void.

Cloud Kingdom Sprint Challenge 2 Gif.gif


One of the most enjoyable aspects of collectathon design is finding fun and interesting hiding spots for collectibles that challenge the player's spatial awareness. Here's a little compilation of some that I put in Cloud Kingdom. I often use the visual language of golden flags to lure the player towards secrets.​

  • A floating island tucked underneath the starting area. A trail of wind leading to the island can guide the player to it.

  • Purple lily pads reveal a star if all of them are jumped on without touching the water.

  • Golden flags on a cliff wall indicate that the player can fly around into a cave.

  • More flags on pillars lining the cliffs indicate that the player can fly atop the pillars around the cliff.

  • Arrows in the snow lead the player to fly around a wall to an otherwise inaccessible platform.

  • A small crevice in the cliff face reveals a golden light that directs the player to jump up the staggered cliff face.

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